Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

No other lights are needed in our living room~~unless you want to read!  I find it ironic that our Christmas tree is so calming.  You think of Christmas and the shopping, the baking, the present wrapping~~so much to do to get ready for Christmas.  Yet I walk past the tree and think about how pretty the tree is and take a few minutes to look at it and reflect on Christmases past.  And do you know what I remember the most?  Our Christmases I spent with my family and friends.  I do remember a few gifts~~the Little Women book my parents gave me when I was a child, the gumball machine engagement ring my husband (of 38 years) gave me and can't forget the iron he gave me--lol!  Those gifts were significant for one reason or another.  But when I look at the tree, I think about the family--Santa Claus coming to our house on Christmas Eve and handing out presents with my Mom and brothers and sister and Grandpa and Aunt Helen and Uncle I all sitting around and smiling and laughing; the stuffed cabbage dinner we had every Christmas Eve that our kids and my nephews did not enjoy; all of us sitting in the living room on the sofa, chairs, the floor and just being a family~~a joyful time; going to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day and so much more.  I guess the shopping and wrapping are all part of the Christmas celebration, but above all else, it is about the love and laughter of family and friends that will carry over year after year.  I hope that as you prepare for the holidays, you can take the time to look at your tree and find a little peace and quiet.

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