On the day of the workshop, all the ladies came with their ice-filled coolers of food in their zip lock bags. At the workshop you receive your Workshop Bundle and proceed to add the oils and spices to your freezer bags of meats and veggies. The recipes are provided. Labels for the bags are provided and when the afternoon is over, you have a minimum of 10 freezer-ready meals. I now have enough spices/oils to make most of the 10 meals again at least once if not twice which brings down the cost per meal. This photo is a sample of the recipes you receive with your Workshop Bundle.
We have had a few of the meals by now and each was very good. Last night we had Chiptole Lime Fajitas which were excellent. I defrosted the meal during the day and while I cooked rice, I cooked the fajita meat/veggies in a skillet. Not a much easier dinner than this! So for what seemed like a lot of work preparing this dinner a couple of weeks ago, there was little for me to do before putting dinner on the table last night. I heated the flour fajita shells, too! I am looking forward to doing this again but trying a different Workshop Bundle. If you ever thought about having a Wildtree workshop, I will tell you that from my point of view it is well worth the time, effort and money to host or in which to participate. That being said, if I was going to a Wildtree Workshop, I would bring all the cut and chopped veggies. but not the meat. I would add that when I got home. It is less to carry and less to worry about keeping cold. Have a great day!
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