. . .was so good. There is nothing better than being with your family at any time, but Christmas is so special. When I was little, Christmas Eve was the day my family celebrated with our Grandpa and Aunt and Uncle and Santa, too. As we grew up and John and I had children, we started to spend Christmas Eve at our house with my Mom and Dad and sister and brothers coming over. And here we are all these years later and we continue the tradition of spending Christmas Eve together. I miss my sister and Mom and Dad very much but more so on Christmas Eve and my brothers have families of their own in Arizona. But we have Matt, Jen, Mark and Sydney and their little dog and even Dexter here, too. Matt put Syd's pet stroller together while providing lots of laughter with his antics. Syd walked Maddie and Dexter in her stroller and then put on Jenny's bird back pack to give Dexter another ride! Our friends, Mickey and Lenora, spend Christmas Day with us and on Saturday, I played with some new toys. Hope your Christmas was full of love and happiness, too. Have a great day and be careful if you are out and about in the ice that has arrived!
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