Sunday, November 11, 2012


When you see a man or woman in a military uniform, do you ever just say "thank you"?  I am proud to say that I do.  Do you ever see an elderly gentleman wearing a cap embroidered with the name of a ship or the words Vietnam War Veteran or World War II  Veteran?  I have.  As a matter of fact, my dad walked just a little taller when he wore his hat embroidered with U.S.S. Iowa BB-61.  Did anyone ever thank him?  I do not know and wish I had asked that question.  But I have been in the store and approached an elderly gentleman or two who were wearing such a baseball cap and have thanked them.  The men were thrilled and a little shocked, too.  But you know what?  They immediately knew why I said  "thank you".  So if you have the opportunity, thank a stranger in uniform or an elderly man or woman wearing one of those baseball caps.  They are our heroes and because of them we have our FREEDOM!  Thank you to all who gave and continue to give their all for us. 

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