Today's post has nothing to do with cards but I just had to share a few photos that I took through my kitchen window. We usually have bluebirds here in the summer. This year we were seeing very few. But that changed on Sunday when I was in the kitchen and out of the corner of my eye I glimpsed birds with blue feathers splashing in the birdbath. I had to get a better look so I grabbed the binoculars (kept in the kitchen) and low and behold, they were juvenile bluebirds! I was so excited I ran out and added more water to the bird bath and watched the birds fly back and forth from the birdbath to the tree to nesting boxes (they were not going in the boxes) my husband made for our backyard a couple of years ago. My husband was out for the
day so he had to take my word for it that there were at least half a dozen bluebirds playing in the birdbath. When we got up Monday, we saw one or two bluebirds, but nothing like I saw on Sunday. I mentioned that it was about 3 o'clock when they were here on Sunday, so maybe later they would pay us a visit. To make a long story short, at about 5 PM, the bluebirds arrived. There were a number of the juveniles, plus an adult female. The photos aren't that great (I used my point & shoot camera) but to see these little babies playing and splashing around was just too cute to not share. At times, the birdbath was filled with bluebirds, finches, robins and sparrows, all splashing together. I might not have accomplished very much yesterday, but I took some time to "stop and smell the roses" and it was so very worth it! Have a wonderful day and find yourself a little time to "stop and smell the roses"!